LoTek Arena Rules

These restrictions are meant to aid new players by cutting down on the tremendous variety of equipment available, and to make duels more challenging by removing some of the more powerful (some might say, unbalanced) items. Many of these restrictions will be eased as the season progresses.

Car Design

Weapons Allowed

Note that there are a lot of abusive weapons, so only the ones here can be used. Military weapons are absolutely forbidden. Plastique, Kamibombs, and anything else that turns an entire vehicle into a mobile bomb is likewise forbidden.

Allowed as of 4/10/99

Allowed as of 4/17/99

Armor Allowed

Plastic armor is encouraged and can be made sloped, fireproof, laser-reflective, and (as if) radarproof as desired. Metal armor is not allowed!

Equipment Not Allowed

Since most of the equipment is reasonable, it can be used unless listed here.

Allowed as of 4/10/99

Last Modified on April 11, 1999.

Aaron Mulder